Results for 'Kharisma Gigih Kurniawan'

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  1. Self efficacy pada tenaga penjualan asuransi ditijau dari gaya kepemimpinan transformasional atasan.Jimmy Ellya Kurniawan - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (1).
    The great numbers of service industrial is moving in insurance field have made insurance salespeople’s job more difficult and full challenge. This condition makes that insurance salespeople ought to have self efficacy. Self efficacy is a confidance about self capability to run his job with success, also to control the conditions around for attaining the success. Self efficacy can be influenced by perception of transformational leadership style from direct superior. The subject of this research is 102 insurance salespeople in a (...)
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    Kontemplasi 100 tanya jawab tentang relasi, filosofi, kepercayaan & tanah air.Kevin Nobel Kurniawan - 2020 - Ngaglik, Sleman: Deepublish.
    Questions and answers about philosophy, religious belief, and nationalism from an Indonesian perspective.
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    The ulama of Palembang Sammaniyah order: Survival in the middle of the regime of power in the 20th century.Rudy Kurniawan, Darsono Wisadirana, Sanggar Kanto, Siti Kholifah & M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):8.
    During the Palembang Sultanate, the Sammaniyah order was the official religion of the Palembang palace. Sammaniyah tariqa scholars were also made officials and advisers to the sultan. This article aims to discuss the power relations of the Palembang Sammaniyah ulama in terms of continuity and change in the regime of power. From the 19th to the 20th centuries, the Sammaniyah tariqa lived and developed under five regimes of power, namely the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam, the Dutch colonists, the Japanese invaders, (...)
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    Book Review: ‘Education as Gift: Challenging Markets and Technology and Celebrating the Spirit of Education’. [REVIEW]Yudi Kurniawan, Siti Mualiyah & Salsabila Nadhira Fasya - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Damian Ruth’s Education as gift: challenging markets and technology and celebrating the spirit of education offers a thorough and thought-provoking critique of the modern education system—particula...
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    The Influence of Cultural Heritage Status on the Quality of Life of Slum Settlement Community. Surjono, Aurellia P. Jasmine, Eddi B. Kurniawan, Kartika E. Sari & Erland R. Fatahillah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1054-1067.
    Surabaya is a fast-growing city facing challenges in infrastructure development, posing a threat to cultural heritage and historic areas. The Kalimas area has been abandoned, negatively impacting the environment. Cultural heritage is valuable as it instills pride, holds significance in civilization, and can improve the quality of life (QOL). The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the quality of life as an individual's perception of differences in life based on culture and the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the impact (...)
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    Sleep deprivation and inference under uncertainty.Kurniawan Irma Triasih, Tsetsos Konstantinos & Chee Michael W. L. - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7.  22
    Bukti penyertaan tuhan melalui perjalanan bangsa Israel menyeberangi laut teberau berdasarkan keluaran 13:17 – 14:1-31.Janes Sinaga, Raden Deddy Kurniawan & Juita Lusiana Sinambela - forthcoming - Logos:143-152.
    Bukti penyertaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel sungguh nyata. Tuhan bukan saja memperkenalkan diri-Nya sebagai Tuhan, Allah pembebas, namun juga Tuhan, Allah yang menyertai kehidupan mereka. Sementara itu bagi Firaun, seharusnya peristiwa ini adalah pelajaran penting dalam sejarah kehidupannya dan bangsanya. Bahwa berperkara dengan Tuhan, Allah Israel adalah sebuah kesia-siaan. Baik bangsa Israel dan Firaun sama-sama diajarkan akan sifat dan karakter Tuhan, Allah yang adil dan penuh kasih. Ini pula yang seharusnya menjadi pelajaran bagi umat-umat Tuhan sepanjang zaman. Bahwa penting (...)
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  8. Peranan etika dan peradaban mendokong tanggungjawab sosial di Malaysia.Yohan Kurniawan dan Nur Azuki Yusuff - 2021 - In Ateerah Abdul Razak, Nur Azuki Yusuff & Zaleha Embong, Penghayatan etika & peradaban. Bachok, Kelantan: Penerbit UMK.
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    Is Identity Essentialism a Fundamental Feature of Human Cognition?Edouard Machery, Christopher Y. Olivola, Hyundeuk Cheon, Irma T. Kurniawan, Carlos Mauro, Noel Struchiner & Harry Susianto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13292.
    The present research examines whether identity essentialism, an important component of psychological essentialism, is a fundamental feature of human cognition. Across three studies (Ntotal = 1723), we report evidence that essentialist intuitions about the identity of kinds are culturally dependent, demographically variable, and easily malleable. The first study considered essentialist intuitions in 10 different countries spread across four continents. Participants were presented with two scenarios meant to elicit essentialist intuitions. Their answers suggest that essentialist intuitions vary dramatically across cultures. Furthermore, (...)
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    Bhineka Tunggal Ika as Source Politics and Identity of Indonesian Culture in The Formation of Law.Gede Marhaendra Wija Atmaja, Ida Ayu Arniati & Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana - 2020 - Cultura 17 (1):57-72.
    The purpose of this study seeks to analyze the problem of Unity in Diversity as a Source of Politics and Cultural Identity of the Indonesian Nation in Legal Formation. In general, the process of establishing customary, national, regional and international law in various parts of the world no one knows even uses Bhineka Tunggal Ika as the source of legal formation. However, often the formation of law in Indonesia refers to the philosophical meaning of Unity in Diversity. The formulation of (...)
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    Subalternitas Tokoh Diah Ayu Dan Maharani: Antara Kutukan Dan Senjata.Wahyu Gandi G. - 2021 - Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra 5 (2):133-156.
    The story of “Kutukan Dapur” by Eka Kurniawan presents a colonial setting: Dutch colonialism and postcolonialism in the image of two characters, Diah Ayu and Maharani. Maharani is in patriarchal shackles, which is ingrained in her family life and social structure. Meanwhile, Diah Ayu is in the bonds of Dutch colonialism, which is brought back by the author. Both are in a subaltern position but in different conditions. Based on this description, this research asks two questions which are analyzed (...)
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